White Rhinoceros or White Rhino or Square-lipped Rhinoceros * Witrenoster * Ceratotherium Simum

By Stephen Temple from Cape Town, South Africa - IMG_3395-Edit.jpg, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74549221
It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino species. By mean body mass, the white rhinoceros falls behind only the three extant species of elephant as the largest land animal and terrestrial mammal alive today. 

Historically the major factor in the decline of white rhinos was uncontrolled hunting in the colonial era, but now poaching for their horn is the primary threat. The white rhino is particularly vulnerable to hunting because it is a large and relatively unaggressive animal with very poor eyesight and generally lives in herds.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, the rhino horn is highly prized in traditional Asian medicine, where it is ground into a fine powder or manufactured into tablets to be used as a treatment for a variety of illnesses such as nosebleeds, strokes, convulsions, and fevers. Due to this demand, several highly organized and very profitable international poaching syndicates came into being and would carry out their poaching missions with advanced technologies ranging from night vision scopes, silenced weapons, darting equipment, and even helicopters. The ongoing civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo and incursions by poachers primarily coming from Sudan have further disrupted efforts to protect the few remaining northern rhinos.
(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_rhinoceros
(*) https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/43348-Ceratotherium-simum
(*) https://animalia.bio/white-rhinoceros