The story of the Bushmen and the Hoodia plant

Tradition & Land
None of the true Busmen tradition exists today, except for a small community in Namibia where they still practice a portion of their tradition. Refer to the "Bushman's Secret" video below.

Their population distribution is about 65,000 in Botswana, 30,000 in Namibia and 10,000 in South Africa.  "Bushmen" is the traditional name, but by the late 1990s, "San" had gained  acceptance in the West.

The hunter-gatherer San are one of the world's oldest cultures. They are the earliest people to live in what is now Botswana and South Africa. They lived in nomadic communities that moved periodically in reaction to the availability of resources such as water, game animals, and edible plants.

The ancestors of the modern Khoisan expanded to southern Africa (from East or Central Africa) 150,000 years ago.
Drinking water from the bi bulb plant
Several San communities have reportedly always resided in the Kalahari's arid regions, according to historical records. Gradually all other San populations in southern Africa were compelled to do the same, due to the denial of land. They also discovered that both Botswana and Namibia had reduced their area. One such example in Botswana was the San's eviction from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.
Kalahari Region
From the 1950s to the 1990s San communities switched to farming because of government modernization programs, but there is a sense of exclusion from government decision-making processes.

The Hoodia (Ghaap plant) 
San people of the Namib desert call this plant ǁhoba and was used by the San to suppress hunger pains. In 1998 the CSIR patented the product for dieting purposes. The San people became aware of this, which led to an agreement between them and the CSIR in 2003, promising royalties as a benefit of their indigemous knowledge. 
The San have yet to benefit from this program to the best of my knowledge. The Hoodia plundering that followed brought this plant almost to extinction. 
The Ghaap or Hoodia plant
Click on the Ghaap or Hoodia links below for all relevant articles. Then there is also the Devil's Claw plant ......  historically used to treat pain, liver & kidney problems, fever, and malaria. It has also been used in ointments to heal sores, boils, and other skin problems.

Numerous films were made about the San, like "Lost in the Desert" and "The Gods Must Be Crazy", which became an International hit for Jamie Uys.

There are many books available on the Bushmen, but some of the best modern books in my opinion is Kinders van die Duine by Fritz Eloff. This book amongst others discusses the amazing tracking abilities of the Bushmen. Written in the Sand by J du P Bothma is also one of those must reads.

YouTube videos
The nearest to the truth YouTube videos we could find appears below.. 
A tribesman runner pursue his prey through the most harsh conditions in a gruelling eight hour chase
Global interest in ancient Bushmen knowledge. Meet Jan van der Westhuizen, a fascinating Khomani San traditional healer

Article By: Johan Swart