Southern Elephant Seal * Suidelike Olifantrob * Mirounga Leonina

By B.navez - self-made (scan of paper photo), CC BY-SA 4.0,
Its huge size and the adult male's large proboscis, which is utilized to create extremely loud roars, particularly during the breeding season, give rise to its name.

A male bull southern elephant seal weighs twice as much as a male walrus, three times as much as a male northern elephant seal, and six to seven times more than a polar bear.

The eyes of a southern elephant seal are big, rounded, and black. The large size of the eyes and the abundance of low-light pigments indicate that sight is crucial for capturing prey. Elephant seals have hind limbs that finish in the tail and tail fin, just like all other seals do. The "feet" include five lengthy, webbed fingers that may be extended.

In the mid-1990s, it was estimated that there were 650,000 Southern Elephant Seals on the planet. 

The seals spend just a brief period on the surface, usually just a few minutes for breathing, according to satellite surveillance. They hunt squid and fish at depths of 400 to 1,000 m by diving repeatedly for more than 20 minutes each time (1,300 to 3,300 ft). They are the deepest diving air-breathing non-cetaceans, and their highest depth record is 2,388 meters (7,835 feet).