By Foto: Martina Nolte
By Chris huh, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Dolphin Walvis Dolfyn
An early theory that suggested that pods were "piloted" by a leader, which gave rise to the name "pilot whale."
There may be three or four separate populations, two in the Pacific and one each in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with a global population of roughly 700,000. Global warming is causing its range to shift northward.
Males average length is 4–6 m (13–20 ft) while female lengths range between 3–5 m (9.8–16.4 ft). Short-finned pilot whales are quite sociable and lively. Although it has been seen moving in groups of several hundred, it mainly moves in pods of 10–30 family members.
Short-finned pilot whales. This behaviour is known as spy hopping
The sociable and playful behaviors of pilot whales at the surface, such as lobtailing (slapping their flippers on the water's surface) and spy-hopping (poking their heads above the surface) are sometimes observed.
When hunting, they employ echolocation, clicking and listening for echoes from prey. Because they pursue squid at great speeds at depths of hundreds of meters, pilot whales are referred to as the "cheetahs of the deep."
There are about 700,000 short-finned pilot whales according to estimates.
50 min Documentary