Common Minke Whale or Northern Minke Whale * Dwergminkewalvis * Balaenoptera Acutorostrata

It was initially disregarded by whalers because of its small size and low oil yield, but beginning in the early 20th century, many countries started to exploit it. Greater numbers of common minke whales were killed, primarily for their meat, as other species went extinct.

The white flipper and shoulder blazes are the dwarf minke whale's most noticeable characteristics. The former extends along the pectoral fin's leading edge. 

Due to sighting surveys' inability to distinguish dwarf minke whales from the much more prevalent Antarctic minke whale, there are no estimates of the population of dwarf minke whales. In the North Atlantic, there are thought to be more than 180,000 common minke whales.

There were numerous incidents of killer whales preying on or attacking common minke whales that have been documented.
By 1100 A.D., minke whales were being actively hunted off of Norway, according to the earliest documented sources. By 1240, they were using iron darts that were shot from crossbows treated with bacterially-infected dead sheep flesh. The whale was weakened by the addition of this infectious bacteria. A few days later the men would come back and lance it to death.
Other Common Names
Common Minke Whale
Dwarf Minke Whale
Lesser Rorqual
Little Piked Whale
Minke Whale
Northern Minke Whale
