Wild Olive or African Olive or Brown Olive or Indian Olive * Olienhout * Olea Europaea subsp. cuspidata

It is the ancestor of the cultivated olive. In drier areas, the plant may be less than 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) tall within 5-10 years. The fruit is edible but bitter. 

  • (Afrikaans) Oleenhout, Oleunhout, Olienhout, Olievenhout, Oliewenhout, Olyfboom, Olyfhout, Swartolienhout, Swartolievenhout, Swartolyfhout, Vaalolien, Wilde-olien, Wilde-olienhout, Wildeolyf, Wildeolyfboom, Wildeolyfhout, Ysterhout.  
  • (English) African Olive, Coast Assegai, Ironwood, Olive Wood, Wild Olive.