Egyptian Free-tailed Bat * Egiptiese Losstertvlermuis * Tadarida Aegyptiaca

The face is rather bulldog-like and heavily wrinkled. The Egyptian free-tailed bat occurs in a wide range of habitats, from arid savannas to humid uplands, so long as there is access to water both as a source of moisture for the bats and because the bats' insect food tends to congregate over and around water. It also requires cliff faces and in caves to roost in, but it will also use man-made structures for roosting, such as old buildings.
By Rajesh Puttaswamaiah - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The Egyptian free-tailed bat is, like most bats, nocturnal and roost by day in colonies which can vary from as few as 3 to thousands of individual bats. It is a fast flier and in a night's foraging can cover large distances over open terrain. Prey is taken both in flight and plucked from the ground and includes beetles, caterpillars, flies, moths, spiders, termites and wasps.
