Common Slender Mongoose * Swartkwasmuishond * Herpestes Sanguineus

Also known as the black-tipped mongoose or the black-tailed mongoose. They are adaptable and can live nearly anywhere in this wide range, but are most common in the savannah and semiarid plains.
By Yathin S Krishnappa - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The common slender mongoose generally lives either alone or in pairs. It is primarily diurnal, although it is sometimes active on warm, moonlit nights.

Insects make up the bulk of its diet, but lizards, rodents, snakes, birds, amphibians, and the occasional fruit are eaten when available. It will also eat carrion and eggs. As befits the popular image of mongooses, the slender mongoose is capable of killing and subsequently eating venomous snakes, but such snakes do not constitute a significant portion of its diet.
