Eland are the most mobile antelope species in the park, continually on the search for good foraging areas. The eland is the largest antelope in Africa and the world.
An influx of eland into the park was recorded in 2007 and again in 2012. Over 16, 000 eland moved down into the southwestern area of the park and a massive die off of these animals was seen once they reached the boundary fence and could not move any further south.
Not much is known about this sporadic eland movement, however it is known that they come from northern Botswana and are possibly in search of better forage, but more research is needed to explain this mass southern movement of the eland.
It is essential for the park to maintain the ecological relationship to ensure the continued existence of these herbivore populations and their unique ecological relationships with the system.
‘n Bul hou gewoonlik meer as een koei aan en dratye van 270 tot 279 dae word aangegee. Verse kan van 2 ½ tot 3 jaar ouderdom teel terwyl hulle eers normaalweg op 4 jaar kan teel. In die Kruger Wildtuin is gevind dat as ‘n vers eenmaal gekalf het dan kan sy daarna omtrent elke nege maande weer kalf.
‘n Lewensduur van 15 jaar word genoem. ‘n Eland kan besonder vet word en gewigte van 1200 tot 1600 lbs (545 tot 730 kg) word genoem. Dit word beweer dat ‘n Boesman verkieslik sy spyskaart geteken het en omdat elande meer as enige ander dieët geteken is dui daarop dat hy verkieslik elandsvleis geëet het.