Africa, the legends live on (Jan Roderigues)

The legends discussed in this book are Jack Seale, Dr Douw Grobler, Takkie Branford, Rory Mackie, Elias le Riche, Ampie Espag & Johan Fourie.

Some hair-raising stories include (1) How the soul of a well-known personality left his physical body after a mamba bite (2) How a leopard attack left six people seriously injured after a single attack (3) How a pride of man-eating lions went about their business (4) How a man killed a fully grown leopard with his bare hands (5) Miraculous survival after an attack by an enraged buffalo.
Author: Jan Roderigues
Publisher: Books from the wild
Website: (Stopped working)
eMail: (??)

More publications by the author:
  • Die veldwagters vertel
  • The game rangers
  • Die veldwagters vertel verder
  • The silent heroes of the African bush
  • ʼn Skatkis vol lagstories
  • A barrel of laughs
  • Fritz Eloff - ʼn man tussen die leeus; ʼn leeu tussen die manne
  • Afrika-stories wat die hare laat rys