Koppieskraal Kameelplaas (W Askham 55km)

We milk camels, farm with sheep and gaze at the stars. Join us for a fascinating camel experience. Visit our camel dairy, get close to the camels, taste the milk and enjoy some camel goodies with a cup of coffee. Reconnect with yourself on a secluded campsite where you and your family will be alone with nature. Overnight at the Kalahari's Lost City amongst the giant chairs and tables imagined by Farini in 1885, or camp on our magical desert salt pan and enjoy 10 000 hectares of silence and solitude and a spectacular sunrise.

Although not native to southern Africa, camels were brought into the Northern Cape to be used by the police ‘mounties’ to patrol the greater Kalahari area before the days of 4x4s. The statue The Camel and Rider, in front of the police station in Upington, honours the those who patrolled the harsh desert territory on camelback.

Today, rather than being used to scout the area, you can find these tall gangly creatures with large lips and even larger humps being used for joy rides.

Read the piece on the Lost City of the Kalahari as well.
Website: https://www.kameelplaas.co.za/. eMail: bookings@kameelplaas.co.za. Whatsapp: 27 73 367 6803 or 27 83 272 2164.