Gannabos Guest Farm & Quiver Tree Forest (NE Nieuwoudtville 35km)

It is situated 35km outside Nieuwoudtville, which boasts a stunning waterfall, glacial pavement, bulb nursery and flower reserve; 50km from Loeriesfontein.

The biggest quiver tree forest is found here, at Gannabos. The quiver tree or "Kokerboom" is one of the most interesting and characteristic trees. These trees usually grow detached, but in some areas the plants grow in larger groups and therefore form a forest.

The quiver tree is not a tree at all. It is an aloe plant. The botanical name is ALOE DICHOTOMA. Aloe dichotoma is one of three quiver tree species, the other being Aloe pillansii (Giant quiver tree) and Aloe ramosissima (Maiden quiver tree).

The plant is called a "Kokerboom" because some Bushmen and Hottentot tribes used the tough, pliable bark and branches to make quivers for their arrows.

There will be a limit set on the number of photographers and/or visitors entering the quiver tree forest between 18:00 and 06:00. A permit from the owner will be required at a cost of R250 per person should you be keen to experience the forest between these hours. Guests at Gannabos and Kareeboom have the privilege to come and go as they please, free of charge.

Visit their website at Contact them on 027 218 1249. You van email them at Facebook: