Kameelboomkoelte (Askham)

Kameelboomkoelte offers accommodation in seven fully equipped, self-catering open plan, air-conditioned units/chalets (sleep 18 people) with braai (barbeque) facilities. This is the ideal stopover for traveling individuals / couples or family groups on their way to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Namibia and Botswana. Cool off in the large sparkling blue pool, soaking up the sun or simply lazing around. Kameelboomkoelte has a wheelchair-friendly Unit (Sleeps only 2) and Diamond T Coffee Shop is within walking distance for meals and curios. All meals can be served onsite with arrangements made. 

Kyk gerus na hulle webtuiste by https://kameelboomkoelte.co.za/ Jy kan hulle ook epos by info@kameelboomkoelte.co.za Jy kan ook vir Nina skakel by 076 991-2561. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kameelboomkoelteaccommodation

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