How to do searches

Text Search
Kgalagadi (Find all posts where the word Kgalagadi appears in the Title or text of posts)
Kgalagadi|Molopo (Find all posts where the words Kgalagadi or Molopo appears in the Title or text of posts)
Kgalagadi|Molopo -label:movies (Find all posts where the words Kgalagadi or Molopo appears in the Title or text of posts, except those with a category of movies)

Complex Search examples
You can do your own complex searches in the "Search this blog" area. Spelling of labels needs to be exact, including capitals. Copy examples in grey background from here.
AND - All must be true
label:Kimberley label:Hunt (Places to hunt near Kimberley)
label:Kimberley label:"Pet Friendly" label:Accom (Pet Friendly accommodation near Kimberley)
label:Kimberley label:Chalet label:Accom (Chalet accommodation near Kimberley)
OR - Any can be true
label:Products|label:Services (Find Products or Services)
label:Grootdrink label:Products|label:Services (Find Products or Services in Grootdrink)
label:Grootdrink -label:Products -label:Services (Everything in Grootdrink except Products & Services)